The British Computer Society

About BCS 

BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT, goal is to advance the information and technology sector. By achieving this, it hopes to improve social and economic progress. First set up in 1957, BCS has never changed its mission from reaching these points. 

BCS takes great pride in attempting to raise the standard of competence and conduct for all working in the IT sector. Along with, dealing with any ethical challenges that are presented. 

The BCS Accreditation body consists of 5 core objectives to help all businesses raise standards and understand the potential of the technology industry. 

  1. Assisting with careers - BCS focuses on making a diverse and consistent industry that includes a variety of opportunities for progression and personal growth.
  2. Professional community - With BCS wide network, all individuals can discuss and work together to help drive technology of the future
  3. Enhancing education - By providing as much relevant information to students to improve their capabilities in the IT sector, BCS focuses on allowing learners to shine
  4. Promoting change - By encouraging individuals to achieve their best, BCS combats the important problems in the industry, with the use of industry, education, and government. Combined, they help to refine policies and ensure ethical change.
  5. Increasing standards - With BCS professional registration, frameworks, and qualifications they aim to identify candidates that excel and help them succeed 


Internationally recognised qualification - At BCS they offer widely recognised IT qualifications. Therefore, once you have successfully completed the BCS qualification, employers will highly respect your new skillset. You will also be able to effectively work in over 200 countries. 

Streamline your career - Once certified, professionals will be able to access a variety of positions that will excel progression. In addition, they will have access to the BCS career mentoring programme. 

Flexible studying - All BCS courses can be studied around your current schedule. This allows for greater control when deciding how quickly you want to complete the course. Any other commitments won’t be left behind. 

Carefully designed by industry professionals - With the support of leading employers, all BCS courses offered are of the highest standard. Throughout any course supplied by BCS, individuals will learn how to improve business focus and technology, that is leading innovation. 

Suitable for all - BCS courses are targeted at a range of experience levels. Therefore, no matter your previous experience, you will find a suitable course. Upon completing the course, you will learn essential skills and help be a part of the continuous progression in the IT sector. 

Career Opportunities 

With an internationally recognised qualification from BCS, all professionals will have the ability to use their knowledge in exciting roles. Helping to progress throughout the IT industry and catch the eye of potential employers. 

IT has exploded over the years and shows no sign of slowing down. Training or retraining in the industry provides individuals with a wide range of career options. Furthermore, being BCS certified will provide a competitive edge over other candidates when applying for roles. BCS graduates are always in high demand, providing many possibilities for all that study with them. 

Enhance existing skills you may possess or develop new ones to progress in your career. The necessary knowledge learnt through a BCS qualification will ensure you excel during your career. No matter your career path, such as specialising in UX, machine learning, or software development, a BCS qualification will help you achieve it. 

Current IT professionals will increase their knowledge and skills with a BCS course, becoming specialised. With tailored courses dedicated to teaching individuals in a certain IT field, there are great advantages to obtaining a BCS qualification.  

Which certification 

With an in-demand skillset, once you have completed the course successfully, you can set your sights high on an exciting career path. 

With many different subjects covered by BCS, here are some of their popular areas: 

  •  Agile
  •  Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  •  Business Analysis
  •  DevOps
  •  GDPR and Data Protection
  •  Information Security and CCP scheme
  •  IT asset management
  •  IT service management
  •  Project and programme management & consultancy
  •  Software testing
  •  Software development and architecture
  •  User experience (UX) 

We offer a number of BCS qualifications including: 

How to get certified 

Talk to a course specialist today, where our friendly team can go over all available options to help you decide which BSC certification is most suitable for you. 

Embark on your new career with us today, through BCS!